
40 Days of Teshuvah Screening and
Spiritual Agitation
Host a community screening of The Inside Out Wisdom and Action Project's short film "40 Days of Teshuvah," followed by a facilitated program and discussion with spiritual activist and community organizer Yehudah Webster. Learn how to integrate Jewish spiritual tools and technologies, like prayer, teshuva, and Mussar, into the work of social change and racial justice. Yehudah's expertise and experience as a racial justice organizer and Faculty at Inside Out Wisdom and Action Project will provide valuable insights and actionable steps for attendees to subvert racism within themselves and others. This service is offered at a sliding scale with a suggested fee of $360-$750
This short film, by director and producer Hannah Roodman, documents the 40 Days of Teshuvah protest at Grand Army Plaza in the summer of 2020. Yehudah Webster and Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ) protested for 40 days culminating with Tisha B'Av 2020. This demonstration came to being after the brutal murder of George Floyd and the racial justice uprising. For 40 Days, organizers cried out to the heavens, blew the shofar, and mourned the destruction of black and brown bodies at the hands of the racist systems that exist today.
Speaker Engagements and Scholar in Residence
Host Rabbi David Jaffe, founder of the IOWA Project, and/or Yehudah Webster, Faculty and spiritual activist, to expose your community to the integration of concrete Jewish spiritual practices that will motivate and sustain action for social justice and communal transformation. Starting from 1-hour speaker engagements to weekend-long scholar-in-residences, the IOWA team offers a range of topics at the intersection of spiritual practice and social justice that can give new life and meaning to your community leaders, students, graduates and community members in need of spiritual nourishment and connection. Rabbi David Jaffe and Yehudah Webster have presented in a variety settings including: panel discussions, conferences, keynotes for graduations, and interfaith programs. We offer the following programs on the following topics and are also available to design any program that meets your needs for spiritual integration:
An Introduction to Dismantling Racism from the Inside Out
Connecting to and Cultivating Ratzon: Deep Motivation of the Soul
An Introduction to Mussar as a Spiritual Practice of Resilience and Sustenance for Social Justice
Centering Torah and HaShem in Justice
Spiritual Sustenance and Practice for Your Campaign/Justice Efforts: we’ll work with you in designing the materials and practices that will best meet your campaign/justice needs
This service starts at $400 for one-hour programs, and $5,000 for weekend-long scholar-in-residencies. Pricing is subject to the operating budget of the institution, and can be available at a sliding scale.